
Pressure Cooker

Tonight I feel like a pressure cooker. If you keep it going the right amount of time then you have wonderful food. Keep it cooking to long and the lid blows off. I think I need sleep or my lid is going to blow off.

I made a bad descion today. Aaron and David had a "molding meeting" this morning. I thought it was a good idea to salvage the crown molding for three reasons: 1) we worked hard on taking them off without ruining them, 2) they are original to the house and I thought that meant something, and 3) I thought we would save money. Well, David had a pretty tough time getting them back up. He does AMAZING work and I don't want him to hate working at our house.

David is a friend of ours and I am so grateful that we have access to his talent at home renovations. I can't wait to see everything when it is finished.

My closet doors are on. They make the room look so much bigger. And all the moldings are on in the bedrooms.

Here are some pics:

My new sliding mirrored doors

They had to build out the window frames because the wall is 3/8" thicker now

New baseboards

and old crown moldingIn other news, I'm trying to pick out paint for my new walls. I went to Home Depot today and there are tons of different whites. I want a paint that says "neutral, but flattering and comfortable." My trim is Behr ultra pure white. Any suggestions?


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